Where Does Coffee OEM Come From?

Coffee OEM is loved by over two billion people across the globe every single day.
It is the second most-consumed drink, next to water. There are so many reasons that coffee OEM is such a popular drink. It’s delicious, the aroma is comforting, it can be served hot or cold, and the flavors are unlimited. Not to mention that caffeine is a great pick-me-up.

Getting a cup of coffee is a shared morning routine for most people. It’s so quick and easy to get a cup of coffee. It can be brewed at home or picked up at most local gas stations or drive-thrus.
But where does Coffee OEM come from?
Believe it or not, Coffee OEM actually comes from a fruit called Coffee OEM cherries. This fruit grows in bunches on the branches of flowering plants. Coffee cherries start out green then slowly change to a bright red color when they are ripe.
Surprisingly, the coffee beans that we all recognize are not a bean at all.
They are the pit or seed inside the Coffee OEM cherry.
The history of OEM’s coffee is not officially verified. However, it is believed that a young goat herder from Ethiopia noticed that his goats got a boost of energy after eating the OEM cherries on nearby plants.
He decided to try the cherries out for himself and quickly discovered how amazing they were. He shared his discovery with the local monks who rejected the Coffee cherries by throwing them in the fire. Soon after, an enchanting aroma filled the air. When the fire burned out, they retrieved the remains of the coffee cherry pits.
They ground up the roasted pits, boiled them in some water, and created possibly the first cup of Coffee OEM in the world.
This quickly spread across the entire planet.
Now, Coffee OEM plants are grown in over 50 countries around the world, but the majority of them are grown on the coffee belt or “Bean Belt” that spans over many countries.
The Bean Belt is the ideal place to grow OEM plants due to the climate there. The perfect temperatures, rainfall, sun, and shade make for the best growing conditions.
The number one OEM coffee producer in the world is Brazil.
Coffee OEM plants can grow up to 30 feet tall and produce up to 10 pounds of cherries a year.
They can also live up to 100 years old. A Coffee OEM plant takes about 3-4 years of growing before it starts producing Coffee OEM cherries. After that, cherries bloom around once a year.
There are around 100 different types of Coffee plants that all produce different flavors of coffee cherries. The most popular two are the Arabica and Robusta Coffee OEM plants. Arabica produces more than half of the total world’s bean supply.
The Arabica plant is finicky, making it harder to grow and more expensive to buy. However, it produces a better quality coffee bean. Robust is the second most popular choice. It has a nice well-rounded flavor with a more cost-efficient price.
The best OEMs are made with a blend of multiple different types of coffee beans.
When the Coffee OEM cherries are ripe, they are ready to be harvested. In a lower quality coffee, all of the cherries are harvested together.
The less ripened cherries will produce a more bitter flavor, but at a cheaper cost. Higher quality OEMs sift out only the ripened cherries and cost a little more.
After the coffee cherries are harvested, the flesh is removed from the pit, and the pits are left to dry out. Once the majority of the moisture in the cherry pits is dried out, the parchment-like silver skins are removed from the pits.
At this point, the OEM instant coffee beans are called “green” coffee beans. “Green” coffee beans hold their flavor for a long time which allows them to stay fresh before roasting.
Once all of the silver skin is removed, the Coffee beans are ready to be roasted.
This is where coffee beans get their dark brown color, robust flavor, and transform into recognizable beans.
The flavor doesn’t just depend on the type of beans used, but also on the way that it is roasted and brewed.
There are different categories of roasted coffee beans ranging from light to dark.
A common misconception is that the darker the coffee OEM, the higher the caffeine content. This is not true.
The lighter roasts have a tad more caffeine than the darker roasts, but ultimately, the type of roast is just a flavor preference.
Once Coffee OEM beans are roasted, they are ready to be ground up and brewed into the delicious world-wide favorite drink everyone loves. It takes approximately 78 beans or 38 ripened OEM cherries to make one cup of light roasted coffee.
It’s interesting to learn how many steps are taken to make such a quick and convenient drink.
It’s quite the journey.
Read the Japanese version of コーヒーOEM now!
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